Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Luembe community public prosecutor investigates land alienations...

The Luembe community public prosecutor in the lower end of Zambia's Luangwa valley, Japha Mbewe, is very busy investigating a number of issues affecting the rights of his community: land alienations, the bushmeat trade, elephant poaching, the ivory trade, a poaching syndicate being run by Zambia Wildlife Authority officers, illicit ivory movements, the fencing off of community land without the necessary EIA being completed, illegal safari hunting, the impacts of elephant and other wildlife on village crops and property...

An interview he conducted today with the Nyimba Forestry Officer shed no light on the contining West Mvuvye National Forest saga. He local man in charge of forestry knows nothing of de-gazetting, of what happens at head office. Decentralization, where are you?

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