Friday, August 17, 2007

More Zambia forest alienations...

The curious co-mingling of plans by Government for a Multi-facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) and Lusaka South Wildlife and Recreation Park in forest reserves 26 and 55, without full stakeholder consultation, and without the necessary EIA procedures - as is required under the Pollution and Control Act, is further evidence that it is politicians alone who chart our destiny. And this is the area long recognized as being essential to the health of Lusaka's water supplies, one inscribed in the National Water Plan. The Guardian Weekly exposes this all brilliantly. There are the usual players: the donor - seemingly unaware of its contradictory role; the Ministers - deciding what is best for us, contemptuously ignoring the opposition of the local member of Parliament; the foreign investors and their full saddle bags eager to cash in; the parastatal - on the lookout for income generation; the local hybrid - part conservationist, part sefl-serving opportunist, head well below the parapet and so out of the line of fire; and the splendidly emergent ZAMBIAN opposition to another Legacy.

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